We are happy to announce the second year of our Movie Night series in Eagleview Town Center! These family-friendly movie screenings will be held on select Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the summer & start at 7pm.
Wednesday, June 18 | The Wizard of Oz
Wednesday, June 25 | Frozen
Wednesday, August 20 | Despicable Me 2
Wednesday, August 27 | Classic Move Night! | Singin’ in the Rain
Friday, September 5 | The Lego Movie
Friday, September 12 | Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
Be sure to bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. No admission will be charged. We will be accepting any non-perishable food donations which will go to the Chester County Food Bank.
For up-to-date event and weather info, visit InEagleview.com, call 1.800.851.2779 on the day of the event. Also visit our Facebook, Google+ or Twitter pages!